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Wednesday, 29 July 2009
In Depth Guide Into How To Play Evony !
Quick Reference Army Sizes
You don’t have high enough informatics technology, you’ll get inaccurate scout reports, and here is what the different terms mean.
Few: 1 – 24
Pack: 25 – 49
Lots: 50 – 99
Horde: 100 – 249
Throng: 250 – 499
Swarm: 500 – 999
Zounds: 1,000 – 2499
Legion: 2500 – 4999
Bulk: 5000 – 10000
Giga: 10000 and more
Just Starting
When you start a new account on an Evony server you will have 7 days of beginner protection. You better use these days wisely, especially if you’re on a server that has already been running for a while. You can also turn the protection off earlier by building a level 5 town hall, but then you better know what you’re doing.
Anyways, the game is pretty easy to learn by following the quests. Following the quests is definitely the way to go, as in most of them you will get really good rewards. Before you decide what quests to do next, look at the rewards, for some of them the reward is larger than what it costs to fulfil the objective of the quest, like building up the first levels of the town hall, so definitely try to do these quickly.
On a new server prices for resources tend to be very high, and cause of that you should focus mainly on resource production the first couple of days. Don’t build lots of cottages and raise taxes, only build enough so that you can get all your jobs filled. You’ll probably get enough money from the quests you do, and if not you can just sell some resources to make money. Watch the prices in the marketplace, as long as you get more than 1 gold for each resource you sell, don’t bother trying to make money with taxes.
If you start on a server that has already been running for a while, chances are prices for resources will be really low, somewhere in the 0.2 – 0.03 range, with lumber being most valuable. Extra lumber you can sell, and if you need more of the other resources you can buy them.
When it comes to what type of troops and defences you should build before your protection runs out, it depends a lot on your neighbourhood and how old the server is. If it’s a new server I’d just focus on warriors and archers to raid your neighbours with together with a good number of traps and archer towers. If the server have been running for a while and you have several large neighbours, some archer towers and traps won’t really matter to them, so then I’d just focus more on troops. And on a server that’s been running for a while it’s even more important to never have a lot of resources lying around. If big players don’t see resources when they scout you, they probably won’t attack you.
This is the end of this starting guide; hopefully you found some of it useful. If you’ve got questions or comments, feel free to post it here.
Troops to Build
You start out building warriors and archers, that’s it. Many people say that warriors suck, and yeah it’s true they are the weakest of the troops, but they are also way cheaper and faster to build. In the beginning you’d like to get troops quickly, and you don’t have 3 barracks in each village either like you will later, so that’s why you should focus on the warriors.
It’s also true that archers can kill warriors easily, with no losses if there are enough archers, but that’s why you’re building your own archers at the same time. Don’t ever leave your warriors alone with open gates or in a valley somewhere; always keep them together with the archers you’re building at the same time. 1 archer for every 10 warriors you build is a good ratio starting out. The archers will also be used for taking out all warrior, pike or sword armies in valleys with no losses.
Later on you can build other troops, but first get 100,000 warriors and 10,000 archers.
Taxes Taxes Taxes
The best tax rate when you’re not online and playing the game is 20%. Putting tax rate at 20% the population will be stable at 30% of maximum, and they will each pay 20-30% tax. The stable population number is your loyalty times your max population, and loyalty will be stable at 100% minus your tax rate. This is why it’s so dangerous to put tax rate at 100% and leave your computer for a long time, cause then both your loyalty and population will go down to 0, you will have riots and loose lots of resources.
When you’re planning to stay online for a few hours, first set the tax rate to 0% so that your population goes up. You can use population increase or disaster relief to speed this up. When loyalty and population is at 100% you set your tax rate to 100%. This will earn you a massive income; all you have to do to keep your population from going down is to use disaster relief every 15-20 minutes. If you run out of food, just buy it at the market, food is cheap compared to the entire fold you make using the method. This trick will keep loyalty at 100 even with 100% tax rate. Before you log off make sure you change tax rate back to 20%.
Making a New City
Building a new city in Evony is actually quite easy. First you need to have a high enough title, to build your second village you need to be a Knight. You get to that title by following the promotion quests, and you need the items in your beginner package. You find your package under the package symbol top left on your screen.
Then you need to conquer a flat, look around on the map for the lowest level flat you can find. The higher level flat the more troops you will need, so it’s best if you find a level 1 or 2 to build your second city on. Make sure you scout it first to check how many soldiers there are guarding it. Usually 200-300 warriors and 50-100 archers should do the job on a low level flat. You can only conquer as many flats as the level of your town hall, so make sure you haven’t conquered too many forests, lakes and such already.
When your troops arrive and win the battle you’ll see a flag on the flat, meaning you’ve conquered it. Now you need to have 250 workers ready, these workers you actually get from the beginner package, and you also need to have a rally point level 2. If you have all this there should be a build city button when you click on the flat. Click the button and also click yes to taking the reinforcements home. When the workers reach the flat you’ll have a new city!
Making Lots of Gold
To do this I would recommend having a minimum of two villages and one of them should be as close to a level 5 NPC villages as possible. The level 5 NPC village will have 450,000 gold in it when full, it regenerates all that gold in one hour, so to get the max from it you should be within half an hour from it with transports.
To plunder it I would like to have at least 70,000 warriors, so that you minimize losses. Depending on your hero and technology you will lose about 14,000 warriors in each attack. You should also use 1 pikeman, swordsman, archer, cavalry and cataphract for layering, else losses will be higher.
The reason you choose a level 5 NPC is all the gold it has compared to the number of fortifications and troops. The higher level NPC villages have a lot more troops compared to the gold they hold, and are not really worth plundering using warriors.
As you might have understood, the lower the wood prices the more profitable this strategy is. It also depends on food prices, as there are about 3 million foods in the NPC village in addition to the gold. There are also other resources, but only like 120,000 of each so those don’t matter much. As long as wood prices are lower than about 0.7 this strategy is profitable.
To rebuild warriors fast enough you need a lot of barracks, 2-3 in each village. It depends on how high level cottages you have; since you need to be able to get population fast enough to train warriors all the time. It’s also good with high level barracks so you can keep production running during night. Please leave some comments if you like this strategy!
Everyone Needs A Hero
Heroes are really important in Evony; they give you better production and faster building time and troop training as well as attack bonuses. In this guide I’ll take a look at hero management and what type of heroes you should look for.
There are three types of heroes, the politics hero, the attack hero and the intelligence hero. Don’t mix them, focus on one attribute for each hero and change back and forth between them as needed. Even a high level hero will only be decent at best if you try to make him master of everything.
The politics hero should be the first one you get when you start on a new server. Politics gives you faster building speed and higher resource production. You will have a politics hero as major of each of your villages; you only change to other heroes when you start science research or troop training.
This is the most important hero in my opinion, and you need a few heroes with high attack power. You send this hero with your troops on attacks as it gives you bonuses to the troop’s stats, and you also use this hero when you are starting the training of troops. You just go to your feasting hall, make this hero major, go to your barracks and start the troop training and then go back to feasting hall to switch back to the politics hero. When you’ve started the training with an attack hero as major, the troops will train much faster. The higher the attack, the faster the training is.
The least important hero I think, but still useful to have a few of them. You use these to accompany your troops on scouting missions. You also use them as major when starting on research projects, as it will lower the research time.
The other stats heroes have are loyalty, salary and level. Salary goes up with their level, but even high level heroes don’t earn that much. Loyalty goes down if you lose battles with your heroes, and the lower it is the higher the chance of losing them is, so make sure you increase this with medals if it drops too low.
Try to hire low level heroes with one of the attributes being really high, anything above 60 is good. The reason you want to hire a low level hero is that they level up much faster, and each time they level up you can increase their stats by one. Always increase their highest stat then.
Usually you want to have at least 3 heroes in each village, one attack, one politics and one intelligence. It’s also possible to send the heroes from village to village if you’d like. Your politics hero that is your major will level as you build things, but making him fight a few battles is a good way to speed up his levelling process. Feel free to leave questions or comments here.
Attack Barbs with No Casualties
Yes, it’s possible to attack barbarian NPC villages without any losses at all. You get a lot of experience for your hero when you’re doing this as well as lots of resources. I’ve done this with villages up to level 5 so far, but I will attack higher once I get enough troops to do so. Read on to figure out how.
What you need to do this successfully is ballistae; yes these wonderful siege weapons that are great at shooting down archer towers. You also need a lot of transporters if you want to get all the resources back home. How many you ballista’s you need depends on the level of the NPC village as well as your technology bonuses and hero attack bonus.
Here is a attack report from me attacking a level 5 NPC barbarian city. 600 ballista’s should be enough here as long as you have a hero with around 80 attack. I haven’t tested the minimum you need yet, but better safe than sorry.
I’d advise you to build a city real close to a level 5 or 6 NPC village so that you can raid it every hour you’re online. Doing this will make you a lot of resources as well as tons of experience for your hero. If you don’t have enough ballistae yet, keep building those level 9 barracks and train ballistae in them. I hope this tip was helpful, feel free to leave comments or questions.
Defending Against Experienced Players
When people try to take over your villages they often use lots of attacks with scouts to lower your loyalty quickly. Scouts are way faster than any other unit in the game, and once all your fortifications have been destroyed even one scout and a hero will succeed attacking you. When this happened to me today I tested out a strategy with building abates, and that worked out great.
The reason I chose to build abates is that they are quick to build, less than one minute with decent bonuses, and even one of them can kill lots of scouts. It’s only cavalry and cataphracts that can kill the abates, and if you keep building abates one at a time you basically stop them from scout spamming you. You force them to have to attack you with cavalry instead, and that buys you valuable time so that you can get reinforcements to your village.
At the same time as building these abates you raise loyalty and reduce grievance with disaster relief. If you happen to run out of food, which kind of sucks, you can use praying to raise loyalty instead if you have enough gold. If you run out of gold too you’re in trouble, but using my trick should make you last longer at least, hopefully long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Feel free to leave comments.
Conquering High Level Player Towns
Going to conquer a city in Evony I want it to be a city worth keeping. For me that is a city with high level buildings and several high level barracks. New players with low prestige usually don’t have villages like that, so when I try to conquer cities it is usually cities from high prestige active players. It can be very difficult to conquer a village from a high prestige active player, so I thought I’d explain how I do it.
You need to have high enough title to take two more villages to use this method. The first thing is to get a base close to the city you want to conquer, preferably less than 10 miles from it. What you do is to look for a low prestige hopefully inactive player with at least 2 villages that has one village close to the high level village you eventually want to have. If there are easier to get villages to choose from, choose the one with highest rally point and feasting hall.
You take this easy to get village using the normal method, first destroying fortifications and then scout spamming it. Scout spamming is attacking the village with 1 scout and 1 hero several times until the loyalty is below 15. When it’s below 15 keep attacking it now and then so that the public grievance remains high, it will drop to 5 in 1-2 hours. At 5 the gates will open and now you need to send your army to take out his troops. When his troops are gone you keep scout spamming it till loyally is 0 and then you get the village in your next attack.
Taking this first village might take you a long time if your other villages are far away, but if it’s an inactive player it doesn’t matter, he won’t be online to stop you from taking it anyways. The next village you’re going to take however is a high level one, from a high prestige player that might have an alliance watching over him, so here you need to be as fast as possible. That’s why you need this other village close to him as your base.
Now move your army to your newly conquered low level village, with enough food to feed them for a while. Hopefully it has a high level enough rally point for the troops you need to send out from it, if not you have to build it, preferably speed build as your new neighbour might notice what you’re doing if you spend too much time on this.. Also fill up the feasting hall with heroes.
Now it’s time to go after the high level village you wanted in the first place. You pretty much use the exact same method as you used to take the low level village; the difference now is that travel time is much shorter so you can do everything real fast. In addition to scout spamming you will now also use your whole army several times, so that you take away all his food and any troops he might be reinforced with.
If he happens to get online during your scout spamming, you have to use parts of your army to attack with instead of scouts, also scout him often too look for reinforcements. It’s very hard to conquer a village of a strong player who is online, but being real close to him with an army much larger than his, it is possible. Don’t give up, good luck!
Medals are used for different things mainly to do with a hero but most people want them to improve there rank so they can gain more cities heres where to get them and the best ways(if there is) to get them.
Rose and Lion medals
Many people (including myself) have a hard time finding these medals.
I found a way that will almost certainly reward you with one of these medals.
Firstly attack level 1-4 valleys; it doesn’t matter if it is a lake or flat, whichever valley will do.
Secondly send only warriors and archers nothing else.
The number of the soldiers you must send depends on the level of the valley, but in general these should do:
level 1 valley : 50 warriors 20 archers
level 2 valley : 70 warriors 30 archers
level 3 valley : 90 warriors 40 archers
level 4 valley : 120 warriors 80 archers
Finally make sure you give valleys time to recover their troops.
The medal rankings, from lowest to highest / easiest to hardest:
Cross Medal
Rose Medal
Lion Medal
Honor Medal
Courage Medal
Wisdom Medal
Freedom Medal
Justice Medal
Nation Medal
Commonly Asked Question Answers.
1. Troops can be built using barracks some troops require specific things hover over pic to see what it needs.
2. You can capture any Plain unless owned by an ally.
3. You can build city on any level flat as long as you capture it first.
4. To tele you need a teleport beginner allow you to tele anywhere within a state and advanced allow you to select a specific space.
5. To build your 2nd city you need rank of Knight.
6. You should have 10 barracks 10 cottages 1 of everything else.
7. To change flag click your player picture. And to change town information click your town hall and then the corresponding tab.
8. You need an embassy to join an alliance.
9. To see if your troops stand a chance click Rally point and then Exercise and type in the attacking troops and the defending troops this will give indication of who wins and what troops are lost. This is not ever 100% accurate as it does not include heroes, walls and any research either player has done.
Evony:how to get 100k prestige while under protection Guide
By the end of this guide hopefully I will have explained well enough for someone to follow the same steps and reach over 100,000 prestige before beginner protection wears off without spending a single dollar
Let’s get the screen shot out of the way, everyone want’s to see the goods first so here is one of three; they can all be found in neat-n-tidy little links at the bottom of the article.
There are three basic and very important rules for pulling this off:
* Do NOT upgrade your town hall past level two
* Do NOT go past the rank AND title of Civilian, ever.
* Make sure you can monitor the account and keep your build queues full
The first two rules deal with game mechanics, it is a fact that with each upgrade of the Town Hall and with each Rank/Title increase you receive less prestige for performing the same actions as a lower ranking individual with a crappy Town Hall. I guess this is their way of trying tie it back to a real world sort of understanding; for example if the President builds a school we say great he’s doing his job. If Joe Blow collects money, coordinates volunteer help, and erects a school he is a hero; same sort of concept in evony, except there are way more swords in our little world.
The third rule comes down to time management really, obviously the more you build the more prestige you get, and after the first three days or so you will start to pull ahead of the other llamas gaining prestige faster and in larger quantities as d-day approaches.
Enough with the babbling, this is for the most part what I did to achieve my 100k+ before protection wore off.
* Upgraded to Town Hall lvl2 at the last possible moment
* Never accepted the promotion quests
* Built 15 cottages to populate my workforce
* Built 4 of every resource type ( see photo for levels ), and maxed out as much as I could with the population I have
* Built 1 of every other building type ( except warehouse of course )
* Researched non-stop, first focusing on the resource enhancements.
* Bought low / sold high on the market to help when times got tough
Here are my research and wall stats to hopefully show I do come out of noob mode with fists in the air.
* Agriculture 6
* Lumbering 6
* Masonry 6
* Mining 6
* Metal Casting 4
* Informatics 6
* Military Science 5
* Military Tradition 5
* Iron Working 4
* Logistics 3
* Compass 5 ( don’t hate, it’s my next project )
* Horseback Riding 1
* Archery 6
* Medicine 3
* Construction 3
* Engineering 2
Wall lvl7
* Trade 300
* Abatis 300
* Archery Tower 3300
This would be way more successful if you have a feeder account on the same server, or in other words someone to keep feeding you resources to make up for our smaller plots.
Damn, that was extremely simple. I’m running on empty here ( 112+ hour work week for the last two weeks ), I apologize for any grammatical issues I will clean it up when I clear my head in a week or so.
Getting Evony Medals The easiest and fastest way.
How to obtain the medals you need:
We will list five or less of the most likely places you will find the respective medal. The first is the highest probability, the second is the next highest, the third the next highest, and so on. Obviously, the first place we list is your best bet of getting that medal. You can of course obtain that medal a different way, but these are the most likely and the Hods way of doing it.
Cross Medals:
1. Attack any level 1 valley with 50 archers.
2. Attack any level 2 valley with 100 archers.
Rose Medals:
1. Attack any level 3 valley with 200 archers.
2. Attack any level 2 valley with 100 archers.
3. Attack any level 1 valley with 50 archers.
4. Attack any level 4 valley with 400 archers.
5. Attack any level 1 NPC with 50 ballistae.
Lion Medals:
1. Attack any level 3 NPC with 250-300 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
2. Attack any level 4 valley with 400 archers.
3. Attack any level 3 valley with 200 archers.
4. Attack any level 2 NPC with 125-200 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
5. Attack any level 5 valley with 750 archers.
Honor Medals:
1. Attack any level 4 NPC with 300-400 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
2. Attack any level 3 NPC with 250-300 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
3. Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.
4. Attack any level 5 valley with at least 750 archers.
5. Attack any level 2 NPC with 125-200 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
Courage Medals:
1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 350-500 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
2. Attack any level 4 NPC with 300-400 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
3. Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.
4. Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.
5. Attack any level 3 NPC with 250-300 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
Wisdom Medals:
1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 350-500 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level)
2. Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.
3. Attack any level 8 valley with at least 7,500 archers.
4. Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.
Freedom Medals:
1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 350-500 ballistae (depending on your hero’s attack level).
2. Attack any level 8 valley with at least 7,500 archers.
3. Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.
Nation Medals:
1. After completely wiping out a level 10 NPC, allow 40,000 warriors to regenerate. Attack and defeat the level 10 NPC with 40,000 warriors regenerated.
Justice Medals:
1. Attack any level 10 NPC with at least 90,000 archers and a few thousand warriors, pikemen, and swordsmen. Do this at your own risk, and only do it if your hero’s attack is very high.
Evony: In-depth Guide to Surviving Outside Beginner's Prot
One key aspect to making yourself an unattractive target for enemies is setting up a solid defence. If others will have a hard time breaking into your city, they often won't bother. With the way defence mechanics work currently, there are specific units and fortifications that work much better than others for defending your city, and you should concentrate on these. Here are defence building pointers:
-Traps, Abatis, Rolling logs, and Defensive Trebuchets, are all disposable fortifications; they each target specific unit types, deal a certain amount of damage during attacks, but always 'suicide' (get destroyed) in their use. They are expensive to continually rebuild, and very easy for an enemy to clear out before sending in a real attack, just by suiciding cheap units into your defences to waste them. This makes them all essentially useless at the moment. They're a minor annoyance, but can be overcome by sheer numbers very easily. Don't build more than the few quests ask you to.
- The ONLY one of the above that can be remotely useful, in my opinion, is Abatis. This is because they only target Cavalry and Cataphracts, two very fast units that enemy players most often use to quickly spam attack your city to reduce your loyalty. Having a few hundred abatis (500 is usually plenty) will make people who want to cavalry spam you think twice, and therefore forces them to use much slower units to spam your loyalty down, which makes taking your city many times slower, and often will cause people to decide it's not worth the trouble.
-Just for technical reasons let me list what units can get hit (and thus clear out) which fortifications:
-Traps: Any foot soldier or mounted unit, basically everything excluding the siege units (transporters to catapults)
-Abatis: only cavalry or cataphracts
-Rolling Log: Same as traps except they seem to be unable to hit cavalry and cataphracts if I remember correctly; almost no one uses these
-Trebuchets: Anything
-If you can deduce from the above, there is only one truly useful fortification unit, and indeed they are the grand-daddy of all defences. When I size up someone's defence in a scout report, there are two main factors I look at: Number of archer towers, and number of archers. Archer Towers (henceforth known as ATs) don't die when they fire, have huge range (even further extended by both archery technology AND the size of your walls), do huge damage, and have great defence. When someone wants to attack you, the general rule is that for every archer tower the target has, they need to attack with five archers to barely win, or ten archers to guarantee minimal losses. Having archers behind towers just makes this harder to do. Build as many as you can, as fast as you can.
-As mentioned above, the other defensive unit that works most effectively are Archers. This is due to their long range, which, when on defence, gets bolstered both by archer technology AND the level of the walls in the city they are defending. This means they can hit almost all units (in combination with archer towers) long before the other units, even ballista’s and catapults, can get in range of them
-Again, as mentioned above, the level of your walls and your archery technology will both boost the power of your main defences significantly. Concentrate on upgrading them as high as you can
-Get an attack hero. You should use all your hero hunting(s) to try and get heroes for each stat who start with around 65-70 base stats at level 1. Having an attack hero sitting in a city will cause the game to automatically use that hero to lead defences. Instead of just using your mayor, the game picks the highest attack hero available and uses them. Get an attack hero, this boosts the power of your defences by a lot
-Only get a second city if you are confident that your first city will have very potent defences by the time you leave beginners protection. Also make sure you are confident you can make the second city very well defended in time as well. The moment you build a second city, it allows enemies to choose to steal either of your cities, because you cannot steal someone's only city. They would almost surely choose to attack your main city, so don't waste effort starting another one if you aren't sure that both will be safe.
-Try and join an alliance that has a 'home state' or 'home area'. Move into this state or area so they can reinforce and protect you if you need it. Being in a strong alliance is of zero use to you if everyone is a state away or more.
-This hint is something I call the 'scout defence'. If you aren't aware, people who try to scout your city to see what your defences are will only get a report if they have more scouts on that scout mission than you have in your city (enough to win the scout battle; this scout battle only happens if your gates are open though, so keep your gates open). Therefore, building large numbers of scouts can keep people from finding out exactly how much defences you have in a city. It's rare to see people under 100k prestige with more than 10k scouts in any single city, so try and get as many as you can; if people can't see exactly what you have they are far less likely to attack you.
-Don't waste time researching the 'increased resources' techs if you only have one of that type of resource node. It's an absolute waste of time to get 10% more food production if you only have one level 5 farm. Focus on the ones that directly affect battle; military tradition, archery, ironworking, military science, etc.
Finally, I want to put in a section that sums up factors that will make you not seem like a juicy target to attack:
-Archer Towers, and archers on defence. Get lots of both.
-High archery level and walls.
-Your prestige. This is an arguable one, as I know I personally see players who come out of beginners prot with large amounts of prestige as potential dangers in the future, so I try and clear them out asap, but if you're only around 50k~ prestige people, you can easily be close to parity with them by the time you get out. Most people are cowards and won't try to attack someone with close or higher prestige than them... even though prestige has virtually no actual meaning for how strong your army and defences are.
-Your alliance. If you're in an alliance that is very strong in a given area, you are significantly less likely to be the victim of random people looting you for fun. You also will have allies near you to reinforce your city if you get attacked.
-Your honor. It's very difficult to get honor inside beginner’s protection; the only way is to attack valleys that other people have stationed troops at, which almost never happens. But, once you’re out, if you get decent amounts of honor by taking out nearby players' armies and defences, you look to others like a pvper, and a scary target. Keep in mind attacking random people can also **** them off (obviously) and get their alliances after you
-How many resources you have. If someone is attacking you just for resources, you become a much less juicy target if you spend all your resources as often as you can. Try and blow all your money on whatever resources you need, and then keep your barracks queued as long as you can to keep your resources from piling up too much. If I see someone behind 8k archer towers and 2k archers, even though I know I could easily wreck that, if they only have a total of 500k resources, I see that and think it is not worth the losses I'll take killing the towers.
- 10-12 barracks in first city. Zero warehouses always, rest cottages. In next cities you can survive with even fewer cottages and more barracks.
- Use the five minute free speedup on any building you can. Get politics mayor and increase construction as they speed up build times.
- Make one of each resource node, and then the rest should be whatever resource is most expensive. Sell your excesses to buy the other materials.
- Stay at your keyboard as much as you can in first few weeks, keep stuff constantly building, save very long builds for when you go to sleep
- Get your free gift Newbie's package and Lord's Package, don't be afraid to use the items if you need to
- Traps, Abatis, Rolling logs, Defensive Trebuchets = useless. Maybe make 500 abatis to make cavalry rushing you unattractive, but nothing else
- Build as many archer towers and archers as you can; they're the best defence
- Upgrade Battle Technologies: Archery, Military Tradition, iron working, medicine, etc. Also get high level walls. Also get an atk hero
- Don't waste time on a second city until your first city is adequately defended
- Get in an alliance in your area, teleport away from nearby high level players who aren't allied with you.
- Build scouts to keep people from seeing what you have.
- Burn your resources as often as you can so people don't see you as a profitable target